Luke 1:5-25

    Zechariah and Elizabeth are described as righteous before God and blameless in the law. As a priest, Zechariah had many duties to conduct so that the Jews would also be blameless before God. On the day the angel, Gabriel, appeared to Zechariah, he had been chosen by lot to enter the temple. As he burned the incense and walked through the familiar routines of the temple, the prayers of the Jews rose with the smoke from the altar. As the generations before them had, they prayed for the coming of the Messiah. Little did they know that the fulfillment of their long-suffering prayers was just around the corner. Because of Jesus, we don’t need smoke to carry our prayers anymore. We don’t need priests and animal sacrifices, and we aren’t weighed down by the burden of the law in order to be considered righteous. Aren’t you thankful for that message Gabriel brought to Zechariah that day?

    Family Connection:

    Zechariah served as the priest, praying to God on behalf of the Jews. Because of Jesus, priests don't have to pray on our behalf. We can pray directly to God! Spend a moment praying to God as a family. Pray that God be glorified by your family this Christmas season.

  • DECEMBER 4th


    Luke 1:5-25

    The angel Gabriel told Zechariah that his prayer had been heard. Zechariah and Elizabeth had prayed for a child probably longer and harder than they had prayed for anything else in their lifetimes. But when Elizabeth matured past her childbearing years, it seems that they stopped. Sometimes we put conditions on our requests to God because we limit our prayers to what makes sense to us. When something becomes unreasonable or seems unattainable, we stop praying for it. God isn’t limited by what is possible. He will grant requests in His time, often when the answer is humanly impossible and only He can be credited with it. There were so many things that happened around Jesus’ birth that carried the testimony, “Only God.” Only God could have provided Elizabeth with a baby. Only God could give Mary her unexpected pregnancy. Only God could have taken and returned Zechariah’s voice. Only God could have sent the angel Gabriel. Only God could provide a Savior, and He sent His son for that very purpose. Jesus fulfilled God’s promise. With God, all things are possible!

    Family Connection:

    Play a game with your kids where you provide outrageous scenarios and have your kids determine whether they are possible or impossible. Zechariah and Elizabeth prayed for what seemed impossible. Reinforce this idea with your family: "With God, all things are possible."

  • DECEMBER 5th


    Luke 1:5-25

    The Israelites had long awaited the arrival of the Messiah. They were familiar with accounts of miraculous births throughout the history of their nation. Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Samson, and Samuel, each born to barren women, contributed to fulfilling God’s promise of salvation. So when Elizabeth began to show signs of being with child when she was well past the time that could happen, her Israelite community paid close attention. They knew that the birth of John would bring something wondrous, and it did! John played a critical role in the fulfillment of the messianic prophecies. Gabriel announced that John would be set apart and filled with the Holy Spirit. Like a herald trumpets the arrival of a king, John prepared the way for and announced the arrival of the incarnate Son of God and the people were willing to listen, at least in part, because of the miraculous circumstances surrounding his birth.

    Family Connection:

    Discuss something you have waited patiently to happen, but it took a long time to arrive. How did you feel when that day finally arrived? Jesus is the fulfillment of God's promise of salvation! As Christians, we should feel so much joy knowing this truth and anticipating Jesus' return.

  • DECEMBER 6th


    Luke 1:5-25

    Zechariah was silenced because he did not believe Gabriel’s words. Gabriel declared that he stood in the presence of God, and he brought good news. What he said was certain to happen, with or without Zechariah’s doubt. We have the free will to believe or doubt God’s promise, but it won’t change what God says, and He doesn’t silence us. His promise to Zechariah was fulfilled. John was born and prepared the people of Israel for the coming of the Lord. God’s promise to us was fulfilled. Our eyes are not blinded, our ears are not deaf, and our lips are not silenced. We should joyfully proclaim the good news that Jesus provides eternal life for all who believe in Him.

    Family Connection:

    It's craft time! As a family, create a banner that proclaims the name of Jesus. When you finish, place the banner somewhere in the house so that you can continually remember the blessings of God.

  • DECEMBER 7th


    Luke 1:26-38

    When we think of favor being on someone’s life, our minds often go to appearance, wealth, or talent. But when God found favor on Mary, He was not looking for these things. He chose her to be the mother of the Son of God–the Messiah who would save mankind–even though she was not married. She had no experience in being a wife or a mother. She had no wealth and lived in an area with nothing to recommend it. By the world’s measure, Mary was–at best–just an average girl. But God values other things in his people. God sees the heart and all that flows out of it and gives His favor to those who abide in Him. When He looked at Mary, He saw a young girl living a righteous life. He saw her humility and her faith in him, and he chose her to bring His Son into the world. God doesn’t require beauty, riches, reputation, or experience to be used by him. He requires faithfulness, righteous living, and a humble heart. He asks that we believe he can do much with a life that is lived open for his use.

    Family Connection:

    God had a specific purpose for Mary. As a family, answer this question: "Do you feel like God could use you for something special like Mary?"

  • DECEMBER 8th


    Luke 1:5-25

    Mary and Zechariah had not been equally equipped to handle their visits from Gabriel. Zechariah was educated in Israel’s history and knew the prophecies of the coming Messiah, so he should have been familiar with what was to come. He held a position of prominence in the temple and was a righteous man, so he should have had more faith. He had been praying for many years to have a baby, so he shouldn’t have been disbelieving when Gabriel told him God would answer that prayer. Gabriel even chose to appear to Zechariah while he was praying in the Holy Place just outside the dwelling place of God, so Zechariah was as prepared as he would ever be to encounter a heavenly presence. But look at the difference between their responses to the news Gabriel brought them. Zechariah could not believe what Gabriel said to him because his wife was past the years of childbearing. It didn’t make logical sense to him, so he did not have faith that it could happen. Mary, on the other hand, had a completely different response. Mary’s response shows the fruit of her wisdom and faith. Mary didn’t question if what Gabriel said could happen. She wasn’t looking for proof. In her humility and servanthood, Mary accepted God’s plan for her at face value. She asked for further explanation of how this would happen and what she would need to do to prepare, but she didn’t doubt that God was able. And as she trusted that God knew best how to bring the Messiah into the world, she also trusted that he would take care of her through the process. “I am the Lord’s servant. May it be to me as you have said.” May we all respond similarly when God asks much of us.

    Family Connection:

    Let's make an angel! Find a paper towel roll cut to the right length to make the body of an angel. Use some white cloth or paper to wrap the cardboard roll to resemble a robe, then tie with a string to serve as a belt. Cut a circle for the face. Draw and color a face on the circle, and then glue it on top of the angel's body. While you work together, talk about what Gabriel told Mary.

  • DECEMBER 9th


    Luke 1:26-38

    God did not make up the plan of salvation on a whim. Rather, God began communicating his plan very shortly after the fall. In Genesis 3:6, Eve ate the fruit, and nine verses later, God told the serpent He would save his creation through the seed of a woman. Many years later, Isaiah prophesied that the Messiah would be born of a virgin and his name would be Immanuel, or “God with us” (Is. 7:14). Isaiah also told of a special boy that would be born who would be called “Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace!” (Is. 9:6-7). Jesus fulfilled over 324 prophecies that had been woven into Israel’s history while he was on earth. God made a very specific plan to redeem mankind, and then He made sure that His plan was confirmable and recognizable to anyone who was open to knowing it. Jesus was the Messiah. He was the fulfillment of the promises God had made to Israel, and He had finally arrived.

    Family Connection:

    Look up the song, "The Corner Room - Isaiah 9:6-7" and listen to it together as a family. Talk about the lyrics of the song and emphasize that God promised salvation through Jesus a few hundred years before Jesus became a man and lived among us.

  • DECEMBER 10th


    Luke 1:26-38

    Jesus’ birth was unique in that he did not have an earthly father. With the exception of Adam and Eve, every person ever born has had a mother and father and has inherited the sin nature through that human lineage. Mary, Jesus’ mother, had a normal pregnancy and carried Jesus as any mother has ever carried her child. When Jesus was born, he was 100% human, and yet, because he had no earthly father, he didn’t inherit the sinful nature passed down through mankind to every generation before. His father was the perfect and sinless God Almighty, and Jesus was as complete in his godship as he was in his humanity. Born to Mary, a virgin, came the Son of God, the firstborn lamb, to save the world from its sin. That is the uniqueness of the sacrifice that our sin required, and God provided it!

    Family Connection:

    Read Romans 5:19 as a family. Through Adam, all people are born sinners. When you give your life to Jesus, He gives you a new identity! Jesus gives you HIS righteousness! Pray that more people in the River Valley will embrace this identity and that God will bring unbelievers to you to share your story.

  • DECEMBER 11th


    Luke 1:39

    Gabriel’s visit had turned Mary’s life upside down. Very soon, her purity, honesty, and even sanity would be questioned. She longed for a place of solitude where she would not be expected to carry out her normal routines, with the judgment of others looming over her. She needed a quiet place to focus, pray, and be strengthened for what was coming. She needed a friend she could trust who would believe her and understand what she was walking through. This is what God provided Mary through Elizabeth and Zechariah, who had had their own confirmation of miraculous things to come. Elizabeth’s surprising pregnancy gave Mary her reason to leave Nazareth and find compassion and understanding. Oh, the grace and compassion of God that He would provide Mary with all she needed, one day at a time. He never asks anything of us without providing what we truly need for the work. He makes a way when there seems to be no way!

    Family Connection:

    As a family, have each person share ways that God has provided for you. Pray together, thanking God for the many blessings God has given you.

  • DECEMBER 12th


    Luke 1:40-45

    Just imagine the joy and relief that flooded Mary’s soul when she entered Elizabeth’s home and heard those words of confirmation and encouragement. Elizabeth knew and understood. And oh, that first meeting between the tiny prophet John and the tinier promised Messiah must have been a joy-filled moment for those faithful mothers! There was great joy in the house that day because the Messiah was present! To be in the presence of Jesus is the most joyful thing a person can fathom, and Elizabeth obviously felt the same way. With Zechariah and Elizabeth, Mary was able to connect with the Lord and draw strength for all that would come. There would be many hardships in Mary’s life, but God confirmed to her over and over again that He was in control and would always provide. Mary knew and believed that nothing is impossible with God!

    Family Connection:

    Elizabeth was a great friend to Mary and exactly what Mary needed during this time. Create a few appreciation cards and write a note to a friend sharing how much you appreciate their friendship.

  • DECEMBER 13th


    Luke 1:46-56

    Mary’s months with Elizabeth were fruitful. Her humble dependence and joyful confidence in God are evident through the song of her heart. She postured herself toward the Lord and was prepared to abide in Him, come what may, with His praise on her lips. She was ready to return home. She sang, “My soul glorifies the LORD, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for He is mindful of the humble state of His servant.” Mary believed that God knew her, and what could be better than that? She would suffer much as the young mother of the Messiah, but she would also experience great joys. Her own son would die for her sins, but one day, He will return, and she will meet Him in the air! Mary’s song can be our song. We sometimes needlessly fear what God asks of us. Though the road may be rough, He promises to provide, and there is always joy in the end if we are faithful.

    Family Connection:

    Mary praised God through song. As a family, pick out 2-3 worship songs (Christmas or not) and sing them together. If you feel comfortable, take a video and share it with us!

  • DECEMBER 14th


    Luke 1:57-63

    The much anticipated moment, the birth of Zachariah and Elizabeth’s son, had finally come. Nine months before, Gabriel had announced to Zachariah that not only would they finally have a son, but that he would be a forerunner to the Messiah. Ever since, though, Zachariah had been unable to speak. Traditionally, eight days after his birth, a baby boy would be circumcised and given a family name at the temple. However, Gabriel had told Zachariah to name the baby John, “Jehovah is gracious.” God was using Zachariah despite his doubts, but He was also graciously teaching him to trust and believe more completely. Zachariah had had nine months of silence to contemplate his encounter with Gabriel and all that the angel had said–including instructions on what to name the long-hoped-for child. When it came time for the naming, both were adamant in their desire to break with tradition. Zechariah had learned to trust God even when it didn’t make sense. While God’s plans may not always fit with our expectations, they are always gracious and perfect and designed to press us further into our faith in Him.

    Family Connection:

    In Jesus' day, parents labored over choosing their kid's names so that it would reflect a specific meaning. What about your name? Spend a few moments as a family sharing why your kids have their names, or do research to see what your name means. God knows you by name and considers you very special.

  • DECEMBER 15th


    Luke 1:57-66

    Two things happened as soon as Zechariah wrote that their son’s name would be John. First, just as Gabriel had promised nine months before, Zechariah could speak again. Second, he immediately began praising God. The result was exactly what God had planned. All those in attendance were in reverent awe of God’s goodness and faithfulness. Zachariah and Elizabeth’s childless marriage had certainly been disappointing and painful for them, but God had been at work the whole time. The nine months of silence had surely been frustrating and humbling, but God was making waves and giving the gathered witnesses a testimony that something was happening. This holiday season, take time to meditate on God’s promises and His perfect timing. He’s working today just as he did when Jesus was born, and we don’t have to understand what God has planned in order to be part of that plan. We just have to trust and obey.

    Family Connection:

    Silence is hard to come by in the busyness of our schedules. Spend an "age-appropriate" amount of time in silence. Go for a walk, sit on the porch, or kneel by your bed. Spend time listening to God. If you have a little one, explain why silence is so important.

  • DECEMBER 16th


    Luke 1:67-80

    Zachariah’s name means “Yahweh remembers,” and Elizabeth’s name means “God’s promise.” At the end of Luke 1, the Holy Spirit uses Zachariah to prophesy the coming Messiah. For generations, even going back to God’s first covenant with Adam and Eve in Genesis 3:16, God’s people had been told of one who would come and defeat sin and redeem His people, one who would shine His light upon those in darkness and the shadow of death. Finally, the time had come for God’s promise to be fully realized. The Son of God, the one prophesied about, the humble servant and our Messiah and Savior was coming. This holiday season, amongst the traveling parties, food, and gifts, may we never forget what we’ve been saved from and who made it possible.

    Family Connection:

    Time to grab a flashlight! Gather your family in a dark room. Turn your flashlight on. Share how Jesus is our Messiah, Savior, and the light of the world. Jesus came to be a light in the darkness; to bring life to all those dead in sin. (Romans 3:23).

  • DECEMBER 17th


    Luke 2:1-20

    Luke 2:1-20 is one of the Christian faith's most cherished, celebrated, and universal narratives. It is read often yet rarely contemplated. As we read it today, we are struck by its humble simplicity. Yet, we usually celebrate it with pressure and chaos. It is profoundly modest. Yet most commemorate it with greed and tinsel. There is no more extraordinary event that has ever happened in the history of creation than the fulfilled prophecy of the birth of our Redeemer. “God became flesh and dwelt among us.” This fulfilled the promise to the first woman in Gen 3:15. But now, God can dwell within us. How do our lives honor that fulfilled promise?

    Family Connection:

    As a family, look up the origins of why years are referred to in "B.C." and "A.D." Jesus' birth is the turning point for how we view history. Discuss why Jesus' birth is so important compared to all other events in history.

  • DECEMBER 18th


    Luke 2:1-20

    Jesus’ birth is a powerful reminder that God doesn’t compete. He doesn’t have to. A God who competes shows off, works to impress, and demands attention in order to prove his glory. Yet, here He is, Jesus, born of a virgin in a small, unassuming town to an unknown family, in a borrowed animal manger, and His first visitors were unclean shepherds. That’s not much fanfare for the much-anticipated Immanuel. But the world’s creator has never sought after its approval. Jesus entered the world in the most modest of circumstances, wrapped in swaddling cloths and lying in an animal trough with his poor and unmarried parents. Because Jesus doesn’t seek the world’s glory, his way was never going to attract those who are looking for glory in this world. Jesus came for the humble, the poor in spirit, the meek, and the lowly. How does Jesus find you today? What kind of glory do you seek?

    Family Connection:

    It's art time! Let's fill our home with prayer and scripture. Write out Luke 2:7; Luke 2:10, Luke 2:11, & Luke 2:14. Color the page and include drawings if you would like! Place these reminders of truth somewhere you can see them often!

  • DECEMBER 19th


    Luke 2:1-20

    The angels brought good news to the shepherds, proclaiming that a Savior had been born, the Messiah, Christ the Lord. This message is one of hope, joy, and salvation. Jesus came to bring light into a dark world, to offer forgiveness, and to reconcile us with God. These angels brought their message to the group least likely to receive or expect honor: the shepherds. They were considered lowly and were on the fringes of society. Their work with animals rendered them unclean, so they rarely, if ever, were able to go to the temple or participate in Jewish holidays. Yet, they responded in faith to the angel's message. They went to Bethlehem. Bethlehem was where sheep were raised for sacrifices (ironic that Jesus was born there?). The Shepherds found Jesus just as they had been told. Like the shepherds, we are called to respond in faith to the good news of Jesus' birth. Do we understand it? Hardly! Are we called to proclaim it? Wholeheartedly!

    Family Connection:

    The angels brought good news to the shepherds. What is some good news that you have heard this week? How did it affect your week? Jesus is the GOOD NEWS!

  • DECEMBER 20th


    Luke 2:1-20

    The shepherds did not keep the good news to themselves; they shared it with others. Likewise, as followers of Christ, we are called to share the message of His birth, life, death, and resurrection with those around us. Christmas is a built-in opportunity to declare Him! How will you do that this season? Remember Mary? Jesus' mother' treasured and pondered these events in her heart.' She serves as an example of deep reflection and devotion to the work of God in our lives. We, too, should reflect on the significance of Jesus' birth and its impact on our lives. As we celebrate the birth of Jesus, may we be reminded of His humility, offer of hope, and the joy that He brings into our lives. May our stress, frustration, and chaos of a holiday be replaced with the hope, joy, and peace of a Holy Day. No matter your circumstances, you can choose to treasure and ponder on the birth of Jesus and all that he's done in your life this season.

    Family Connection:

    Connect Church supports missionaries all around the world. Choose a missionary from around the world and pray for them as a family. Then, discuss what it means to have a "personal mission field" where you live.

  • DECEMBER 21st


    Matthew 2:1-2, Psalm 19:1-6

    Probably the most intriguing and mysterious part of the entire Christmas story resides in these two verses in Matthew. The appearance of the Magi in the Christmas story raises many questions still unanswered. Who were they? Where were they from? Their sudden appearance in the city of Jerusalem, asking for the location of the one born king of the Jews, set off a bombshell of hope, fear, and scheming in the palace and streets. But for us, something clear stands out despite the mystery. The birth of Immanuel did more than affect Israel. The very universe was calling out His name to anyone willing to see, understand, and pursue. As Psalm 19 says, “The heavens are telling the glory of God!”

    Family Connection:

    Weather permitting, take a family walk. Use the walk to discuss mysteries in God's creation that you encounter.

    How do these mysteries declare the glory of God?

  • DECEMBER 22nd


    Matthew 2:3-7, Psalm 19:7-9

    Any person who pursues the truth of God will always and only find their answer in one place. The Magi received their answer in the same place we still do today. Psalm 19 opens our eyes to all creation, shouting God’s glory to all who will listen. Beyond that, revelation leads us to where we are able to intimately meet him and know him. Psalm 19 also reveals that “The Law, the Testimony, the Commandments…” is what completes our journey. The answer lies in the Word, just as it did for the Magi. Their questioning pursuit of the “star” found its answer in Micah 5:2. The Wise Men seeking the Messiah received clarity from the Wise Men of Jerusalem, who knew from scripture where the Messiah was prophesied to be born. The Word led honest seekers to the feet of Jesus, just like it does today. It led the Magi to Bethlehem to the feet of the “Word made flesh.”

    Family Connection:

    Draw a simple map of your home on a brown grocery bag and crinkle it up. Have your kids use the map to search for some treasure! After they find the treasure, talk about how Jesus is our treasure and God's Word is the map that leads us to him. As a family, pray that God's word will mold our hearts to know more about Him.

  • DECEMBER 23rd


    Matthew 2:8-10, Jeremiah 29:13-14

    Christmas joy is hard to capture, and the reason is right here before us. When the Wise Men pointed their camels (presumably) toward Bethlehem, the star led them to the very place where Jesus was. These verses give us reason to believe the magi were more than just political emissaries from some eastern kingdom. We don’t know for sure what they knew. But what started out as a search for the newborn king of the Jews had become a quest of the heart. Matthew makes clear their reaction when they realized that their longings were about to be fulfilled. Rejoiced… exceedingly… with great joy! Over the top! They’d found what they were looking for. Now, back to the first sentence. Christmas joy is hard to capture. Are we on a quest of the heart, or are we replacing it with lesser things? Christmas can be either.

    Family Connection:

    Discuss as a family, "What is the true meaning of Christmas?" May we all capture the joy of Christmas.

  • DECEMBER 24th


    Matthew 2:11-12, Psalm 72:8-11

    Can you imagine the first thoughts of the Magi when they finally found Jesus? Matthew tells us they found him in a regular house, sitting on his mother’s lap. Their response to this humble setting gives us further insight into the authenticity of their hearts. Jesus was not in a palace. He did not have an entourage or a crown. He had no majestic trappings that would elicit an earthly awe. No, the scene was far less… and far more. There was something in the very essence of the paradox that brought the Magi to their knees in worship. The Creator of the universe shone in the face of this small child, who fulfilled all the messianic prophecies of the Jews and elicited praise from these Gentiles. Seek him. Draw near, and you will find the same awe and glory as the Magi did when they went looking.

    Family Connection:

    Have each person in your family share with one another about when you decided to trust Jesus. (Be sensitive to those in your family who have never placed their trust in Jesus). When you finish, develop a plan for continuing family devotional times beyond Christmas.